Charity ‘Challenge to Change’ Urgently Appeals for Support Amidst Gaza Crisis

Charity ‘Challenge to Change’ Urgently Appeals for Support Amidst Gaza Crisis

Challenge To Change – Enabling Marginalised Women From the Arab Region to Transform Challenges into Positive Change Opportunities

Women in Gaza City carrying her child amongst the rubble

Women in Gaza City carrying her child amongst the rubble

Emergency Food Packages distributed by Challenge to Change for the people of Gaza

Emergency Food Packages distributed by Challenge to Change for the people of Gaza

Amidst the escalating crisis in Gaza, the plight of small NGOs operating in the region remains a critical but under-reported issue.

The need for immediate assistance in Gaza is dire, and without sufficient funding and resources, countless lives hang in the balance.”

— Spokesperson

GAZA, February 15, 2024 / — As the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) faces significant defunding, the burden of aid provision increasingly falls upon organizations like Challenge to Change.

Challenge to Change (C2C), a dedicated charity supporting Arab women in Gaza since the aftermath of the 2014 war, is now at the forefront of providing essential assistance to vulnerable communities. Having supported nearly 30,000 women in the region to date, C2C’s efforts have been instrumental in empowering marginalized communities.

However, the recent escalation on October 7th brought C2C’s educational, employability, entrepreneurship and psychosocial programs to a halt, as the team shifted focus to provide immediate relief to affected communities. Despite facing immense challenges, including personal loss, displacement, and significant logistical hurdles, C2C’s staff continues to deliver lifesaving aid, distributing vital food, hygiene supplies, and winterization packages.

The current situation presents unprecedented obstacles for C2C and similar organizations. Bank transfers to Gaza are blocked or significantly delayed, exacerbating the already dire economic conditions. Furthermore, escalating prices and IDF roadblocks hinder aid distribution, risking the lives of those on the ground.

“We urgently appeal to governments and international agencies to support organizations like Challenge to Change,” said a spokesperson for the charity. “The need for immediate assistance in Gaza is dire, and without sufficient funding and resources, countless lives hang in the balance.”

Overcoming tremendous obstacles, our brave and resilient team members in Gaza have been able to support thousands of people in dire need, thanks to generous donations from charities such as French NGO Firdaous. Since the start of the Gaza Crisis, we have procured and distributed:

• 500 food and hygiene parcels to families of 10-19 members

• 250 winterization packs to women and children (clothes, jackets, shoes, boots, and blankets)

• 650 packs of baby formula and diapers

• Tents for displaced families

• Cash assistance for medicines

The Gaza war continues to intensify and access to vital supplies and services such as healthcare remain very limited and costly – people who survive the airstrikes, tanks and snipers are dying from hypothermia, starvation and the spread of diseases, thousands of women have been forced to give birth in the dirt.

But emergency support from donors is saving lives. Their generosity has the power to make a real difference for women, children and communities in Gaza.

For media inquiries or to arrange interviews with C2C staff, please contact: [email protected]

To Donate Now to the Challenge to Change Gaza Emergency Appeal:

Eva Mullen
Challenge to Change
[email protected]
Visit us on social media:

Charity Challenge to Change is distributing aid in Gaza with support from French charity Firdaous

Originally published at