John Rosemond, Best Selling Author and Revered Parenting Coach, Links ‘Father-Absent’ Homes to Anti-Social Behavior

John Rosemond, Best Selling Author and Revered Parenting Coach, Links ‘Father-Absent’ Homes to Anti-Social Behavior

John Rosemond

John Rosemond contends that children raised without a father in the home are more prone to exhibit anti-social behavior as a group.

LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES, August 24, 2023/ — John Rosemond, best-selling author and globally recognized parenting expert, links father-absent homes to instances of anti-social behavior in individuals when in a group setting. The data substantiates Rosemond’s assertion. According to Brookings, children raised by single mothers are more prone to experiencing negative outcomes across various aspects, such as academic performance, social and emotional growth, health, and achievements in the workforce. The possible cause of this may be children born to unmarried mothers face more instability in family structure, and this instability results in worse outcomes for the child, continues the outlet.

“The research is clear. Children who grow up in father-absent homes are highly inclined, as a group, to anti-social behavior,” says Rosemond.

Anti-social behavior encompasses various actions that disrupt social harmony and norms. This can manifest as ongoing loud noise, such as blaring music or television. It might also involve abusive language or behavior, including shouting, screaming, swearing, or displaying drunkenness. Additionally, the use of violence or threats, along with acts like vandalism, graffiti, or improper waste disposal (fly-tipping), falls under this category. Illegally using vehicles, like cars or motorbikes, is another form of anti-social behavior, states WDH. According to NBC News, such disruptive behavior was evidenced in Twitch influencer Kai Cenat’s recent decision to host a giveaway that prompted police to file charges against him for inciting a riot, unlawful assembly, and a few other charges. Individuals engaged in the destructive act of hurling bottles, fireworks, rocks, and paint cans, obtained from a construction site at the park, New York City Police Chief Jeffrey Maddrey told reporters.

“It’s difficult to ignore that nearly all of the people in question are likely to have grown up in father-absent families,” Rosemond says.

Rosemond has been dedicated to assisting families, children, and parents in the realm of psychology since 1971. At present, he focuses his efforts on public speaking and writing. His influence spans around 225 newspapers across the nation through syndication. With a remarkable portfolio, he has authored over eighteen best-selling books on parenting. Moreover, he is one of the most active and sought-after speakers in the United States, particularly within his domain of expertise.

Rosemond is also the Founder of ParentGuru®. The site offers an all-encompassing multimedia platform for parenting guidance. This resource-rich website extends a diverse range of services to its members, setting it apart from any other in the field.

To find out more about John Rosemond and ParentGuru®, click here:

Aurora DeRose
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