Pablo Zylberglait: A Decades-Long Legacy of Exemplary Service at The Federal Trade Commission

Pablo Zylberglait: A Decades-Long Legacy of Exemplary Service at The Federal Trade Commission

Pablo Zylberglait

Pablo Zylberglait: A Decades-Long Legacy of Exemplary Service at The Federal Trade Commission

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, January 4, 2024 / — Pablo Zylberglait, a seasoned legal professional, has been a driving force at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for almost three decades, leaving an indelible mark on consumer protection, cross-border enforcement, and administrative proceedings. Zylberglait has consistently demonstrated leadership, innovation, and dedication to advancing the mission of the FTC.

In his current capacity as Staff Attorney at the FTC’s Office of the Secretary, Zylberglait has played a pivotal role in the agency’s operational enhancements. Since January 2020, he has spearheaded efforts in office realignment, drafting crucial documentation such as reorganization memoranda and organization charts. Zylberglait’s analytical acumen has been evident in the revision of office processes and the creation of a dashboard for project management, contributing significantly to a streamlined and efficient work environment.
Notably, Zylberglait has been instrumental in transitioning the office to remote and paperless operations, showcasing his adaptability in response to evolving work trends. His forward-thinking approach is evident in the guidance he drafted for digital signatures, aligning the office with modern practices.

Before his current role, Zylberglait held various positions within the FTC, each marked by notable achievements. As Senior Attorney in the Division of Litigation Technology and Analysis, Bureau of Consumer Protection (April 2015 โ€“ December 2019), he demonstrated leadership by managing the Honors Paralegal and Mentoring Programs and chairing the Summer Law Clerk and Hiring Committee. His contributions extended to overseeing the overhaul of pretrial checklist procedures and representing the Bureau in updating the Operating Manual.

In his role as Counsel to the Director at the Office of the Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection (November 2013 โ€“ April 2015), Zylberglait showcased his versatility. He completed diverse projects for the Bureau Director, including drafting remarks for Commissioners and reviewing civil investigative demands for regional offices. His supervisory responsibilities extended to managing the Honors Paralegal Program, overseeing the Mentoring and Reverse Mentoring Programs, and helping coordinate the agency’s New Attorney and Economist Retreat.

Zylberglait’s earlier positions at the FTC include stints as Attorney Advisor to Commissioners Ohlhausen and Ramirez, where he reviewed consumer protection matters, drafted recommendation memoranda, and coordinated between the Commissioner’s office and agency staff. His contributions were important to drafting a key Commission opinion on advertising and substantiation issues and representing the agency at international conferences.

In his role as Counsel for International Consumer Protection at the Office of International Affairs (April 2001 – June 2010 / February 2012 โ€“ May 2012), Zylberglait managed the agency’s international technical assistance program, negotiated bilateral cooperation agreements, and represented the agency at international fora. Notably, he launched and managed the project, an international government database for cross-border consumer complaints.

Pablo Zylberglait’s extensive and varied contributions throughout his tenure at the FTC underscore his commitment to advancing the agency’s mission. His leadership, legal acumen, and dedication to consumer protection make him a standout figure in the field of consumer protection and administrative law.

Jon Smith
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