Poetry Collection “Hiding Behind My Bipolar Mask” by Onya Page Illuminates Journey of Living with Bipolar II Disorder

Poetry Collection “Hiding Behind My Bipolar Mask” by Onya Page Illuminates Journey of Living with Bipolar II Disorder

Hiding Behind My Bipolar Mask

YORKTOWN, VIRGINIA, UNITED STATES, February 24, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — In an empowering blend of vulnerability and strength, Onya Page announces the upcoming release of her poetry collection, “Hiding Behind My Bipolar Mask.” This deeply personal anthology sheds light on the complexities of living with Bipolar II disorder and its accompanying conditions, including ADHD, OCD, PTSD, panic, and anxiety disorder.

For over two decades, Page has navigated the silent battlegrounds of these invisible disabilities, oscillating between the highs of her extroverted persona and the lows of a crippling inner turmoil. Hiding Behind My Bipolar Mask breaks this silence, offering a voice to the host of emotions and experiences that define the bipolar journey.

Scheduled for release soon, Page’s collection promises to be a beacon for those similarly struggling, providing solace in shared experiences and hope in the face of adversity.

About the Author: Onya Page is a poet based in Virginia Beach. She is an outspoken advocate for mental health awareness. Through her work, she seeks to destigmatize mental illness and illuminate the often invisible struggles of those living with Bipolar II Disorder and other mental health conditions.

For more information, you can email Onya.

Onya Page
Hiding Behind My Bipolar Mask
[email protected]

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/691092723/poetry-collection-hiding-behind-my-bipolar-mask-by-onya-page-illuminates-journey-of-living-with-bipolar-ii-disorder