UFANDAO: Revolutionizing the Way of Fundraising

UFANDAO: Revolutionizing the Way of Fundraising

TALLINN, ESTONIA, July 14, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — UFANDAO, a recently launched Estonian fundraising startup, is revolutionizing the world of fundraising by providing individuals with the means to turn their dreams into reality. Unlike its competitors, UFANDAO has boldly integrated unique features that have yet to be leveraged in the industry. This innovative approach, based on problem-solving and fairness, distinguishes UFANDAO as a company that delivers on its promises. By eliminating the need for third-party intermediaries, UFANDAO ensures full decentralization in fundraising, empowering millions of people to fulfill their dreams.

The Problem with Traditional Fundraising Platforms

Conventional fundraising platforms in the market often act as intermediaries and recipients of funds raised. However, this model is plagued with inherent irregularities and deep-rooted issues. Investors and donors are unable to guarantee the swift and secure transfer of their donations to the intended recipients, as the process is prone to various risks, including logistical challenges. Furthermore, hidden fees and commissions from participating parties, including for-profit organizations and government entities, undermine the transparency and fairness of fundraising efforts.

An illustrative example of federal meddling in private fundraising occurred in Haiti following the devastating earthquake in 2010. Despite nearly $6 billion being raised to support the Haitian people, the majority of the funds ended up in the hands of intermediaries, such as international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and private contractors (https://www.cgdev.org/media/haiti-where-has-all-money-gone-โ€“-vijaya-ramachandran-and-julie-walz#:~:text=the%20Money%20Gone%3F-,โ€“%20Vijaya%20Ramachandran%20and%20Julie%20Walz,(NGOs)%20and%20private%20contractors.). This failure to make substantial progress in aiding Haiti’s recovery has raised significant concerns among individuals worldwide.

Introducing UFANDAO: A New Paradigm in Fundraising

UFANDAO challenges the status quo and offers an alternative approach to fundraising. By fostering mutually beneficial relationships, UFANDAO ensures transparent fundraising techniques that protect all users. While larger platforms like GoFundMe, MightyCause, and Indiegogo often overlook or undervalue the risks associated with innovation, UFANDAO veers away from traditional fundraising models and establishes a vibrant community where individuals unite to support personal goals and causes. With a gamified platform, UFANDAO ensures that all published fundraising campaigns find their ideal fundraisers in a manner that is both secure and beneficial.

Connecting People Across Time and Borders

However, UFANDAO’s vision goes beyond community building. The idea stems from the research of Joseph Chang, a statistician at Yale, who discovered that every person who lived in the late 20th century shares a common relative in the 11th century. UFANDAO has incorporated this concept into its core values. By supporting the community and its dreams, UFANDAO encourages individuals to “payback” and “pay forward” to distant relatives, thus earning good karma through acts of kindness. The platform provides a tangible opportunity for everyone to realize their dreams by helping others. This unique approach sets UFANDAO apart from other fundraising platforms.

New Features and Values

Fundamentally, every fundraising platform aims to provide equal and fair opportunities for fundraisers and donors to achieve their campaign goals. Many modern platforms, however, fail to deliver the necessary instruments to ensure such fairness.

UFANDAO disrupts the fundraising experience by offering a fully decentralized platform that also can be an additional financial instrument that helps to achieve freedom. One of its standout features is the absence of commissions and campaign fees. Donations flow directly from the donor to the recipient through peer-to-peer technology, eliminating intermediaries and fostering connections among individuals with shared aspirations and simple desires.

Moreover, UFANDAO offers various methods for receiving funds, including traditional bank transfers, PayPal, and even cryptocurrency wallets. This ensures that recipients receive their funds instantaneously, reinforcing UFANDAO’s commitment to transparency and community. The company actively promotes community building and guarantees that its growth is directly linked to efficiency and the realization of members’ goals, guided by clear and straightforward rules and guidelines.

In contrast to other platforms where campaigns may go unnoticed or require exorbitant fees, UFANDAO provides a flexible subscription plan for its fundraising marketing tool, that costs almost nothing, when comparing how much one can raise.

UFANDAO believes in fairness and reciprocity, ensuring that the success of its members translates into the success of the platform.

For more information about UFANDAO and its groundbreaking decentralized fundraising platform, please visit https://ufandao.com.


UFANDAO is a pioneering Estonian startup that aims to revolutionize the fundraising landscape. By leveraging decentralization, transparency, and community building, UFANDAO empowers individuals to turn their dreams into reality. With a gamified platform and innovative features, UFANDAO fosters connections, supports worthy causes, and ensures fairness in the fundraising process.

Katy Volk
Stankoin Oรœ
+49 1523 8487215
[email protected]
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/644511383/ufandao-revolutionizing-the-way-of-fundraising